Saturday, 22 May 2010

More Reason I'm an Idiot

Today, I have never felt more "on trend"
I mooched around town in hareem pants, a straw trilby, aviators and a denim shirt.

I've also never felt like more of an idiot.
I forgot my camera.

I'm officially into my exam period, i'm not on study leave & gearing up for my next exam! Luckily my drama piece went well, it could have been better, I wouldn't put it at "A" grade.. which sucks, because i've never got anything less than that in drama.
My Politics re-sit was this Friday as well, which again, went suprisingly well! I didn't do loads of revision either, I just revised to the extent that I was comfortable-ish with the questions... so that was pretty nifty!
2 down, 4 to go!

I'm really going to try & take more pictures, everytime I vow to do that, I completely forget about it and never do, well, thats all going to change!


Lost is coming to an end (not for me, i'm still on the fifth season!) So I felt this picture of the gorgeous Josh Holloway was appropriate!.. Well, photos of Josh Holloway are always appropriate ;)


  1. Good luck with your exams :) I had a re-sit yesterday too. Eurgh, German!! Just got 6 exams left... plus General Studies :p

  2. omg that photo is amazing. i love his bone structure! :)

  3. Ahh General Studies :) What a joke!
    & yes, he's absoutely gorgeous! Got that rugged look down to a tee :)
