Saturday, 8 May 2010

The Perfect Maxi Dress.

Anyone else having serious issues with this?
I'm putting it all down to "but maxi dresses are just so hard to wear!"
Maybe it's my fault? I'm just not "wearing them correctly."
I really wanted this ^ one, it's fairly basic, from Topshop (of course) & only £18, which is great, as far as i'm concerned.
However, when I got around to trying it on, I found that it made my waist look tiny (BIG thumbs up there) but it clung to all my "fat bits" - unfortunately my hips and muffin. Yeurgh.
So of course, it became an instand no-no.
Having said that, I should be someone who can wear a Maxi dress. I'm 5 ft 7.5, which makes me fairly tall, and i'm a size 8/10 (8 in baggy clothes, 10 in tight clothes, and it's anyones guess for anything in between) so logically, I should be able to pull this off.
Yet somehow it all goes dreadfully wrong.
In all honesty, i'm feeling it's major GYM TIME! In June... because all my A levels exams start in a few weeks, and between revision, college & work there will definately be no time left over for gymming sessions.

I now have TWO followers! I kid you not, this brought a little tear to my eye!

1 comment:

  1. I have this problem too, I think the tighter ones are not too forgiving! Black ones are more flattering though, and the topshop ones are made of a quite thin material, in New Look and River Island there are some with thicker jersey which I think looks nicer on. Have to admit I have become a liiitlle obsessed with maxi dresses hehe, hope this helps :)

