Tuesday 20 April 2010


Had the final "training night" at Topshop, in which we had a sneaky peek of what the "new and improved store" will look like - were having work done.
It's going to be huge! The shoe wall itself, is actually the lengh of it's own wall! Theres going to be so much more in the way of trends, which are absolutely gorgeous. One combines lace and floral prints, with a hard edge. Leather, studs, etc. So I simply cannot wait for that!
I've also decided i'm going to join the gym! Need to get all lovely & skinny in time for the summer :) & the gym is definately the way to do that!
Wore the strangest jeans today.. they reminded me a lot of hareem pants because of their cut, yet they weren't. I put them with my granny cardigan, a tight black top, and my gladiators (bad choice, but poor feet have been frozen all day.)
This was a very fashion orientated post... i'd like to write more about fashion & upload more pictures etc. But I really am far too self-contious to walk around town getting a friend to take photos of me.
Maybe sometime in the future.

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